Main window
The mighty container

Apollo main window consists of many smaller windows put inside a rebar. The order of these sub-windows can be changed by dragging them from the handle in the left side of each sub-window. The positions of the sub-windows will be saved at exit and restored on next startup.

Minimizing the main window will hide the main window and cause Apollo to disappear from the taskbar. An icon for Apollo will appear in the icon tray area. Double clicking this icon with the left mouse button will cause the main window to become visible again. Clicking the icon with the right mouse button will pop up a menu containing all actions that are normally available at the toolbar.

If you own an IntelliMouse compatible mouse, you can adjust the playback volume by rolling the mouse wheel when the main window is active.

Toolbar sub-window
Eject button

Clicking the small arrow next to this button will bring up the File menu (available also by pressing Alt + F). It shows a number of actions concerning file activities. Next to each menu item is the short cut key for the respective action. If you click the Eject button itself, the default action of the menu is performed (i.e. Open File(s)...).

See Editing the playlist for details on file actions.

Playlist button

Clicking the small arrow next to this button will bring up the Playlist menu (available also by pressing Alt + P). From there you can choose whether the playlist sub-window is visible in the main window or not. There are also options to clear or randomize the main playlist. From here you can also refresh the playlist information (checks the information for every track in the playlist from the corresponding input plug-ins), force retrieval for all playlist information (retrieves information for those tracks too that currently has no information retrieved) or create/recreate the the sample space for random entries (see Apollo Advanced Playlist for details). After each menu item the short cut key is shown in parenthesis for the respective action. If you click the Playlist button itself, the default action of the menu is performed, i.e. the playlist sub-window will be shown or hidden.

From the seventh menu item down the current playlist tree is shown as a menu structure. The current track is marked with a check symbol. Selecting a track will start the playback. Holding down Control when selecting a track in the menu will cause a crossfade to the selected track.

Hammer button

Clicking the small arrow next to this button will bring up the Miscellaneous menu (available also by pressing Alt + M). It contains access to configuration dialogs (Options, Plug-ins and Equalizer dialogs), to the track properties dialog of the currently playing track and some actions available itself from the toolbar. Next to each menu item is the short cut key for the respective action. If you click the Hammer button directly, the default action of the menu is performed, i.e. the Options dialog is opened.

Previous track button

This should be pretty self-explanatory. Although I should mention that if the shuffle play mode is enabled, this button will select the previous track in the shuffled order not in the playlist order. If you hold Control key down and press the Previous track button, the player will perform a crossfade to the previous track using the selected crossfade mode (see Options dialog->Player).

Stop button

Stops the playback.

Pause button

If the track is, playing pauses the playback. If the playback is paused, resumes the playback. This button will be disabled unless the playback is on, so you cannot set the pause first and then hit the play button.

Holding Control key down while pressing Stop button causes a fade out.

Play button

Starts the playback. If the track is already playing and you press the play button, the playback will be restarted (in case of a random entry a new track will be picked).

Next track button

This should be pretty self-explanatory and the case of shuffle play mode works like with the previous button. If you hold Control key down and press the Next track button, the player will perform a crossfade to the next track using the selected crossfade mode (see Options dialog->Player).

Loop button

Pressing this button enables or disables the loop mode. When the player is in loop mode and it reaches the end of the playlist (or the end of the shuffled order of tracks) it will continue playback from the beginning.

Dice button

Pressing this button enables or disables the shuffle mode. When the player is in shuffle mode entries in the playlist are played in a random order. During the play each entry will be played once.

Frequency analyzer button

Pressing this button shows or hides the frequency analyzer sub-window.

Oscilloscope button

Pressing this button shows or hides the oscilloscope sub-window.

Visualization plug-in button

Pressing this button enables or disables the active visualization modules. You can configure and select the active modules from Plug-ins dialog->Visualization.

Down-arrow button

Pressing this button will hide the main window and switch to the mini window.

Down-arrow with bar button

Pressing this button will hide the main window and an icon for Apollo will appear in the icon tray area.

Status sub-window

The status window shows the status of the player. The exact content of this window can be configured at Options dialog->Strings.

Frequency analyzer sub-window

Shows the frequency spectrum of the currently played audio signal.

Oscilloscope sub-window

Shows the currently played audio signal as an oscilloscope view.

The playlist editor sub-window

Apollo handles the playlist as a tree instead of a simple list. Thus one playlist may contain other playlists. The tree structure is shown fully expanded in the playlist window. For each entry in the playlist some extra information (in addition to the title) is provided in various columns. From Options dialog->Appearance you can select which column will be visible. The order of the columns can be changed by dragging the column headers. Clicking a header will cause the whole playlist to be sorted by the respective column values (clicking the track number column will reverse the current order).

Double clicking an entry in the playlist will cause the playback to begin from that entry. Holding down Control while double clicking will cause a crossfade to the selected entry.

See Editing the playlist.

Position sub-window

This bar illustrates the current playing position. You can set the playback to a different position by dragging the thumb. Note that not all audio streams are seekable. Setting the position is not possible when streaming from the Internet, for example.

To skip five seconds backwards or forwards hold down Ctrl key and use left and right arrow keys.

Volume sub-window

Just like the position bar shows the position this bar shows the current volume setting. Whether this sub-window is visible or not can be set from Options dialog->Appearance.

If you own an IntelliMouse compatible mouse, you can also adjust the volume by rolling the mouse wheel when either the main window or the mini window is active. This can be achieved also by holding down Ctrl key and pressing up and down arrow keys.